רחובות שלי (ISSN 1817-101x)

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Fresh'n'tasty bread at Rehovot's authentic Brand New Berad house. Come in today for a degustation or a cup of coffee


Hygienic standards for food fair at the Rehovot mall

Excerpt: "The [food] fair at the Rehovot mall is being run reasonably. A few deficiencies in the way food was being kept were corrected in keeping with demands relayed to the hygiene adviser who was on hand at our request," the spokesperson continued..."

The management of the Rehovot mall: "The food fair operates under a business license and meets all the criteria set by the authorities. The fair is also approved and supervised by the Rehovot bureau of the Health Ministry. Surprise inspections are conducted quite often by the bureau's inspectors. The fair operates under the close and regular supervision of the A. Rotem food and hygiene inspection company, and reports and tests are sent weekly to the Rehovot health bureau. Haaretz's check found just two irregularities. The microbiology tests were repeated at the Gourmet Kfar and if there are irregularities its participation in the fair will be terminated. Cactus Ma'adanim no longer has a displays at the fair..."

Source: Dafna Lutzky. Health Ministry also finds flaws at Dizengoff Center. Haaretz.com (29 Nov 2004, Kislev 16, 5765) [FullText]
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