רחובות שלי (ISSN 1817-101x)

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Jerusalem Biblical Zoo Is Kosher For Passover

"With Passover fast approaching, I'm sure a great deal of thought is being centered on our kitchens and food! Whether it means cleaning and koshering or planning the Seder meal, at this time of year especially, our kitchens are one of the most important parts of our homes.

The zoo's kitchen is also a main center of activity in the zoo, and not just during Passover. A very vital part of giving optimum care to the animals in our zoo is providing them with the best possible diet.Each kind of animal has a diet designed by our zoo nutrition expert, Dr. Elizabeth Kaufman. She spends hours researching each animal's dietary requirements and speaking with the keepers to determine their likes and dislikes. All this information is entered into her computer, and using a fantastic program called "Zootrition", Dr. Liz can determine if each animal is getting exactly what they need. And that is where the kitchen comes in. Each morning, deliveries of fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, rats and mice, bread, seeds and nuts are made.

The kitchen is ably managed by Mr. Fuad Mashni and he is assisted by Daniel Ykutael. Together, they portions out fruit and vegetables to each section, making sure that specialty items are shared out equally. They chop fish and meat, cook eggs and chicken and in addition, make sure things are kept scrupulously clean and neat! Not an easy job with the keeper staff running in and out all the time looking for yummy treats for their animals.Now, take all that and add Passover, and making the whole zoo hametz free, into the equation! As you can imagine, Fuad and Daniel are busy guys! If you are online, check out the Pesach 2003 Propil article for an idea of what exactly goes on in the zoo just before Passover.

On a different note, I am very excited to announce the happy news that Ellen the miniature horse is in the family way! We expect the new arrival in about 6 months. Can you imagine a little horse only 18 inches tall? I promise to keep you all informed of her progress. A lot of new building is planned for the zoo. I'm sure you will all be surprised and pleased when the announcements are made public, but for now it's all hush hush... Liat Hensen, our Herbivore section head and Noam Werner, our zoologists are currently out to sea. Literally. They had the good luck to accompany the shipment of 2 male giraffes to the Singapore Zoo. Giraffes and keepers sailed from Haifa Port and should arrive around the 15th of April.

Last, but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a safe, happy and kosher Passover from all of us here at the zoo.Oh, don't forget on the 23rd of April - Erev Pesach, the zoo will close at 16:30 and from the 25th, we will be open until 19:00!

Pesach Sameach!"

Source: Beverly Burge, Hospital/Quarantine Unit. Passover 2005 Propil's English Article. Zoo Tails 33. Tisch Family Zoological Gardens. (last viewed 26 April 2005) [FullText]

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