רחובות שלי (ISSN 1817-101x)

פורום על החיים בעיר רחובות בישראל

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A suggestion for Herzl Street future

As a resident of Rehovot for over 30 years I would like to suggest a public lobby to improve the quality of life by closing all traffic, exept buses and taxi on Herzl Str from Weizmann Institute till approximately Shuk Bilu from 7 am till 7 pm. This simple measure, which does not require investments, just some common sense, in my opinion will change life in Rehovot for the better.I invite discussion on the e-pages of My Rehovot.

Emanuel Yakobson
resident of Rehovot for over 30 years

MyRehovot note: Original contribution by Emanuel Yakobson is available as a comment on earlier post at MyRehovot.info English edition. For a version in Russian use this link.


What's Wrong With Israel Bio-Tech?

Those of you who work in the Science Park, Kiryat Weizmann, are fully aware that the Swiss company, Serono, closed InterPharm Laboratories, based in Rehovot(see recent BioMedMarket News). As a result, more than three hundred people (including many scientists with advanced professional degrees) have lost their jobs. In its November 2004 front page story, BioIsrael wrote that Serono's CEO Ernesto Bertarelli is "violating a commitment made by his father and himself."

The question is: can one be sure that everything is well with Israel High-Tech in general, and Bio-Tech in particular?It is no secret that recent stagnation yielded the default by many firms. It was just in Spring 2004, when a large amount of spare lab and office space in the Science Park was available at attractive prices, indicative of the resources idle time.

If so, is the Serono case an indication that something is wrong with Israel Bio-Tech? What should we expect in the near future and in a distant perspective?What are the thoughts of Israel High-Tech and Bio-Tech insiders?

What are the feelings of those trained to advance biomedical science and committed to develop the prestige of their country in this important field of knowledge?Do they share the recent optimistic prognosis as published in various other articles (see BioMedMarket News of 12 November and 13 November 2004)?

Think about it. Make a summary of your thoughts and submit it as a comment to MyRehovot. Your opinion will no doubt help to understand the true nature of Israel Bio-Tech trend, and its creative development.


Music Classes for Kids: How to Choose the Teacher?

Have you given thought to which music teacher is suitable for your child? Should your child have a private teacher, or attend the class in the local conservatory? Perhaps you have some thoughts on this matter, and would like to share them with MyRehovot readers? No doubt such experience would be helpful for those who are just planning the paths of music education for their children.Looking forward for your concise but responsible comments.

Welcome, My Rehovot

Dear Friends,

Let us introduce MyRehovot Info, an apolitical space for postings and discussions on every aspect of life in Rehovot, Israel. The goal of MyRehovot is to allow everyone responsibly speak and be heard on issues of importance for our community. Please note that this site is not intended to specifically serve the English-speaking community. MyRehovot in Russian is up and running, and the Hebrew version will become available soon. By doing so, MyRehovot aims to integrate all three major language communities of our multifarious lovely town, and to demonstrate that we are united and share common interests. We hope that directory service at the right side bar will prove helpful to you and your families. In turn, we invite different businesses, stores, sport schools, dance and art studios (including those for children and youth) to feed us with basic info, so we could make it public and just click away. In case of your interest we can create and run a web page with more detailed info on your important venture. Until we have web form to simplify inquiry or info feed submission please send us an e.mail.

Welcome, MyRehovot!
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