רחובות שלי (ISSN 1817-101x)

פורום על החיים בעיר רחובות בישראל

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Rehovot Remembers the Holocaust

Israel's Holocaust Memorial evening was held on Wednesday, May 4, 2005 in the Rehovot's Mofet Hall (also known as Beit Gordon). The ceremony began at 8:00 p.m., at the same time as the State Holocaust Memorial Ceremony commenced at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem had also began.

The opening note by the presenter of Rehovot's ceremony was followed by impressive stirring addresses given by Rehovot's Mayor Shuki Forer and the Chief Rabbi of Rehovot, Rav Simcha HaCohen Kook. The memorial service included The Remembrance prayer (called "Izkor") and a sorrowful moving theatre programme performed by a troupe of young actors.

The touching and memorable one-hour service ended with the Israel National Anthem, sung by the actors on stage with the participation of the audience standing in the packed hall.

Israel's commemoration of The Holocaust victims will continue on May 5, 2005. At 10.00 a.m the entire population of Israel will stand silent attention for two minutes to the sound of a siren. This will be followed by a series of day-long nationwide ceremonies nationwide commemmorating National Holocaust Remembrance Day.

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